Sunday, April 26, 2009

It is amazing..!!!

Surprising, unbelievable, It's amazing and wonderful.
Hard to believe that I can still hold on after sleep for only one hour. Sunday if GOD's day. totally surrender to GOD. but how am I going to attend the Praise Celebration and listen to the sermon that will be shared by Pastor for I only slept one hour before the service is start. Didn't rest well, heart full of depression, sleepy face to meet with church member, etc. O, GOD, You are the strength of my heart. The word that motivates my heart always because GOD really provide and strengthen me for the past. But will it also be for this difficult moment? Undeniable, It's a amazing!

All start from last night (25th Of April). study life non-stopping sustained though it feels stressful in my heart. A lot of notes and terms need to memorize. So, stay at my friend's house to look for guidance on my question in studies. Until 3am or 4am on 26th of April. It was so sudden and feel like want to share things to friends. Unfortunately, a course mate of mine was wanting to study and was interested by my sharing. It was a good sharing between both of us. Without knowing the time pass, it already reach the time when everyone suppose to wake up and continue their daily life. My goodness, It was 6am in the morning!!! Hahaha! It's time to realize that the time was so early in the morning instead of late at night. So, went to bed and sleep. But I need to wake up at 8am. GOD helps me!

Time goes from minutes to minutes and from second to second. Just as what I had planned, wake up at 8am and went back to my own home. without doubting, straight away i lied down at the sofa and guess what..... just sleep. It was not a deep and comfortable rest but at least it considered as rest. Yet, it was still not enough. Reach home at 830am and then woke up at 9.10am. Haha! guess what..?? Again, tiredness, sleepy face just appeared on my ugly face. But, GOD is the strength of my heart. Therefore, I went for breakfast with my brother and sister-in-law. Rushing in having my breakfast due to the service time which starts at 10am.

Finally, i reach church. Wuu...huuu.... lesser members in church. So, just had a sit then start to pray in my heart.
"O, Lord. I know You are the strength of my heart. I keep meditate this word in my heart everyday and night. I desire Your presence and Your Power to feel me. Lord, This is me now that full of tiredness. But i believe by Your Grace, I can stand strong again even stronger than before. I believe and I believe and I BELIEVE. In Jesus' name, Amen"
So, guess what again. still feeling tired. The time to worship GOD started. A song that touch me with the lyrics:
I surrender all to You..... I am nothing without You....
I lay it all down at Your feet.
O, man. really touch my heart. it feels like i m really a weak person. Without GOD i am nothing. That's why I lay it all down to GOD. So, nothing was make me feeling better of the tiredness.
Next, Pastor was preaching. It was a long sermon that i didn't expected from the moment i stepped into the church. But I was totally understand and get what GOD want to speak to me through Pastor. Everything got time and season. Just need to confirm and walk close with GOD. You will certainly know when.

So, from 10am to 1pm. The service over. Again, the tiredness still there. But when I seriously look and think back, what sustained me and giving me the heart to insist to be awaken. It was the word of GOD and the presence of GOD. I know that I know that I know It comes from the strength from the Lord. Yeah! i made it by GOD's grace. Again I learned something. Jesus is the GOD gives renewal in my heart. He renewed my soul and spirit without my knowledge until He says It's time for you to rest. Haha! It is true. After the service, I continue to go my friends house for my preparation on my exam. But, when i reach there, just in a minutes, I slept deeply. Haha! Thank GOD for let me experience Him again and again.

"O, Father. I am nothing without You. In my heart, I pray GOD. guide me in my studies. Exam coming is just a few hours later. Pray that GOD pour Your understanding on the theory and notes that I need to study. Do this to my dearest friends in my life who facing exam with me as well, Lord. Thank You, Lord again for let me experience Your greatness. Bless me, my family and my friends, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Life is so wonderful. Thanks to my family and all my friends.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Being tired on studying for whole day. Its time to relax myself.
I found that i was lost in some of the guidance from GOD. Couldn't really understand what is need to be done first in my day. So, there is only one way to get me back into the path. Worship the Lord!!! It's a amazing and wonderful thing to be experienced.

Thank GOD that i find back the path. Remember that it was a bible verse that my cell leader had shared on the last Discipleship cell.
"Jabez cried out to the GOD of Israel, "Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let Your Hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And GOD granted his request."
(1 chronicles 4:10)
The verse is the prayer that Jabez request to the Lord. I have totally put aside this prayer from my life. But it is surprise that GOD remind me again with this prayer. How it happen? Well, It is all about the souvenir that i received on my birthday in 2006.
I was shocked and feel a sense of comfort in my heart. GOD had already put in my heart that He will bless me all the time and will keep me from harm from the day i received the souvenir. But what feels disappointed was i never really take a look at it before. I believe everything has the season and time. Now GOD remind me again for He is with me all the time.

Wonderful scripture come next.
"The Lord will keep you from all harm - He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
(Psalm 121:7-8)
Great promise that GOD had made for me. "Now and forever" that let me have more faith towards GOD.
In this exam season, there is no doubt that it will have a lot of stress and worries. By the grace of GOD, there is the comfort and peace in my heart. GOD is the strength of my heart. He is the healer and the restorer. In my prayer, O! GOD, continue to bless all the exam warrior to fight for their exam and comfort them with Your spirit in every difficulties moment. For Your Hand will hold and lead us to go through those moment. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, April 20, 2009

1st day of my blog

Really Thank GOD for the healing power.
as in this glory invasion season, That was really a wonderful experience from GOD.
i m healed by GOD. that was so excited and have a satisfaction in my heart.
But what is all about? Is that only just feel satisfied on the blessing that from GOD?
Luckily, I did learn something from GOD.

After being healed, it is totally change my heart towards GOD. Last night, i was reading the daily bread that used for quite time with GOD. There is no fear in every circumstances that we faces if we walk with GOD together. Jesus' disciples encountered stormy experience. They were on the Sea of Galilee when a windstorm whipped up (Mark 6:48). the storm was so violent causing His disciples feared for their lives. But Jesus walked out to them and saved them.

Thank GOD that He brought me out everytime when i was in trouble. GOD is the strength of my heart.
Today is 20, April 2009. This is the day i start to write my own blog. while listen to the music, alone in the house, was thinking someone in my heart. Those day found that it is hard for me to read and write blog. But GOD can change everything. All things are possible for GOD. now i m writing blog. Halellujah. praise the Lord. that's the miracle changes that GOD plan for me.

"O Father, continue to bless every person that related in my life. Family and friends. Pray in my heart, i will be a good testimony for them. Thank GOD for giving me wonderful gifts. Use me, mould me and strengthen me. I desire to know You more and more. In Jesus name i pray, Amen."